Thursday, June 14, 2012

CRUCIFER - Synopsis

[short version with major spoilers removed]

The year is 2168, The City of Angels. Peter Romito, a drug addict and a prostitute, is about to become the messiah of a world of machines. Peter is hunted by the Priest who murdered his girlfriend, and the Priest, like Judas, will do anything to stop him. The Priest, guided by the Collar that enslaves him, is sacrificing those who taught him the mysteries of the flesh. He carves out his victims’ hearts as sin offerings, each one a key that will unlock the gates of heaven.

The Priest is the director of Project Ezekiel, which was founded by the Vatican Space Commission, to determine if its long-lost colonies survived. The colonies were early casualties of the Great Collapse, which followed in the footsteps of the Red Death nanoplague. One of the colonies became a giant tomb, maintained by the machines that were sent to build it, the same world that calls to Peter in his drugged-out visions.

Lieutenant Monica Regent, head of the serial homicide task force, races to solve the puzzles left by the Priest. Each victim has been posed in a grim tableaux, with Bible verses scrawled in blood, all of which are riddles. Regent is burdened with guilt for failing to save her father, a vice detective who was killed by a teenage junkie. Her quest to stop the Priest offers redemption, but the battle will test her faith as she becomes the hunted. If she fails, she’ll never see her son, Danny, grow up, and her cocky partner, Detective Rodriguez, will never know she loved him.

Plagued by drug-fuelled visions of an alien world, and haunted by the ghosts of the murdered prostitutes, Peter flees to the colony of sentient machines which have embraced the faith of their dead creator. The Biomechs, undead hybrids of machine and flesh, are at once sublimely beautiful and grotesque. They were created by a mad prophet, who went insane after lethal spores infected his brain, and uploaded his mind into an A.I. After the spores killed the remaining colonists, the biomechs built the city of ROM. The Cathedral of Bones lies at the heart of the city, a place where every tower is part of a single entity. The biomechs embrace Peter as their messiah. All they ask is that he die for their sins.

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